Tuesday, May 20, 2008

We want to hear from you!!!

Hey there!
We are getting so pumped for our upcoming conference at Joshua Generation in Gallup, New Mexico on Friday June 6th.  It's gonna be awesome!  In addition to the conference, there will be a BBQ and a mini concert in the evening.  If you live anywhere near there, we hope you'll come by and check it out.

Don't Go There is all about boundaries... the boundaries that the God who made you, who loves you and who knows everything about you (including your weaknesses, fears and failures) has set for how we guard our hearts and minds... and the boundaries He's set for the way we live... the things we say, the things we do...the boundaries for our sexuality... for our relationships.  It's about choosing to move against the tide of public opinion or culture or even what our flesh wants to do, and toward the life of adventure that God calls us to live. It's a call to radical surrender and unwavering commitment to the God who loves us so much that He gave EVERYTHING to express His infinite love for us.  

When CJ asked me to create a post today, I realized that what I really wanted to do was invite you to dialog with us.  We want to hear from you... What's it like to be a Jr. Higher/High Schooler/College Student or Young Single adult navigating your way through life as a Christ follower in 2008?  What are the biggest challenges you face?  What boundaries are you finding it difficult to live within?

Feel free to answer any or all or none of my questions... I just wanted to get the conversation started...

So... what do you think?

Let's chat soon...

1 comment:

CJ said...

Great Linda!

I agree, I can't wait to hear from all of you out there!